
Dental Corp of America

Address: 889 S Matlack St, West Chester, Pennsylvania 19382, USA
Phone: +1-(800)-638-6684, | Fax: +1-(610)-431-6500 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Dental Corp of America offers disinfections and sterilization products. Our product line includes orthodontic instruments, arch wire, bonding, brackets, elastomerics, gloves, cephalometrics, and pliers. Our athletic mouth protector design provides protection to both mandibular / maxillary teeth & gingival tissue. It fits comfortably over orthodontic appliances and cushions impact to prevent damage to the appliance & patient. Our Sklar Disinfectant™ is the most effective, ready to use, multi-purpose, broad-spectrum disinfectant/cleaner for use on the surfaces of inanimate objects. It is especially useful in treatment areas, laboratories and other critical care areas where environmental infection control is essential.

1 to 100 of 106 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  Page: [1] 2 >> Next 100 Results
• Acrylic Resin• Alginate• Angled Bracket Removing Plier
• Anterior Banding Removing Plier• Anterior Separator• Apex Locator
• Archwire - Nickel-Titanium• Archwire Racks• Band Slitting Plier
• Bonding Adhesives• Bracket Removing Pliers• Brackets - Ceramic
• Brass Post Archwire• Cement & Bonding Kits• Cephalometric Devices
• Cleaning & Bonding Preparation Kits• Coaxial Archwires• Cotton Plier (Self-Locking)
• Cotton Plier (Serrated Tips)• Curved Bracket Placement Tweezers• Dental Bands
• Dental Educational Materials• Dental Impression Materials• Dental Measuring Devices
• Dental Photography Accessories• Dental X-ray And Accessories• Denture Base Acrylic Resins
• Denture Reline Acrylic Resins• Direct Bonding Brackets Holders• Disposable Dental Items
• Distal End Cutters• Dry Heat Cheek Retractor• Eight Braid Natural Form Archwire
• Elastics Inserting Plier• Elastomeric Ligature Canes• Elastomeric Separating Plier
• Expansion Screws• Explorers• Facebow Adjusting Plier
• Financing Plan Service• Forceps• Gloves
• Headgear• Hot Air Sterilizers• Impression Materials
• Impression Trays• Impression Trays for Crown & Bridge-work• Infection Control Kits
• Intraoral Cameras• Latex Disposable Gloves• Latex Exam Gloves
• Latex Gloves• Latex Orthodontic Elastics• Learning Materials
• Ligating Instruments• Ligature Cutter• Ligature Directors
• Lip Protectors• Medical Gloves• Metal Impression Trays
• Mirrors• Model Trimmers• Mouthguards
• Needle Nose Hemostat• Neon Latex Orthodontic Elastics• Orthodontic Bonding Kits
• Orthodontic Bracket Removal Kits• Orthodontic Elastomerics• Orthodontic Expansion Screws
• Orthodontic Separators• Orthodontic Ultrasonic Cleaner• Orthodontic/Pedodontic Materials
• Patient Novelty Items• Patient Scheduling• Payment Solutions
• Pliers Rack• Posterior Separator• Protective Maintenance Gloves
• Repair & Sharpening Instruments• Reverse Curve NITI Archwires• Ribbed Separators
• Rotation Wedges• Rubber Gloves• Seven Strand Spooled Wire
• Small Steam Sterilizers• Small Utility Scissors• Specialty Pliers
• Springs• Steam Pressure Sterilizers/Autoclaves• Steel Brackets
• Sterilizers• Sterilizing & Disinfecting Solutions• Storage Box
• Straight Bracket Removing Plier• Surgical Gloves• Synthetic Exam Gloves
• Thermal Form NITI Wire• Three Prong Clasp Adjusting Plier• Transparent Lip Retractor
• Ultrasonic Cleaning

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